Sunday, 11 August 2013

The Next Batman.................

Lots and lots of rumors out there right now, Matthew Goode, Ryan Gosling, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Josh Brolin, Scott Adkins, Gerard Butler and Orlando about a certain Mr Bale??

From the list above Scott Adkins looks pretty good if we are definitely getting a new actor, but lets look at it from a different view.......

There was a world set up in The Dark Knight trilogy which not only were amazing and highly bankable films, but they put Bruce Wayne/Batman into the exact place where WB are wanting him, an experienced Batman, well we have watched from the beginning how he trained, met foes and even retired, which results in the experienced Batman that WB are looking for, not only that, I still find it strange that Christopher Nolan is still attached to the future Batman/Superman/JL movies and wouldn't use his Batman, he spent a long process creating a Batman world and getting to a point where Batman is now experienced, of course there would be some difficulty in the story as in what do we do with John 'Robin' Blake, how does Bruce get Wayne Manor back, but they are very workable assets in the story.......John Blake having taken up the mantle of Batman (without proper training) could get into serious trouble resulting in death......or coma, paralyzed etc giving Bruce a reason to return.

*SPOILERS* The Dark Knight Rises.............although I loved the movie, I personally thought that TDKR had some plot holes:

How did Bruce get back from the pit to Gotham? (even if he made the trip, nobody was getting in or out of Gotham)
How did The Bat explode........only to be found at the end of the movie being examined by Fox?

The answer.............Superman helped batman, which would tie up and link the two heroes and movies.


Part of me thinks it would be a shame having spent all that time building up the 'Christian Bale Batman' universe, which could easily fit in with the 'Man of Steel' universe and then to start again, Robert Downey Jnr is Iron Man now........but not typecast as Iron Man, Christian Bale could easily come back and then we have a movie........anyone looking froward to 2015?

If they go down the new actor route then Scott Adkins would be my choice, a proper martial artist, just Google him, we don't need an actor too old or there will be a new actor every movie.

I am sure there will be plenty more rumors to come.

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